
Foundations of Data Structures and Algorithms

University of Colorado Boulder

Foundations of Data Structures and Algorithms is a comprehensive course tailored for individuals interested in developing high-performance data science applications. The course delves into the fundamental principles of data organization, efficient data processing, and algorithmic design.

Throughout the program, learners will explore a wide range of topics, including advanced data structures such as arrays, hash-tables, heaps, trees, and graphs. Additionally, the course covers essential algorithms for sorting, searching, traversal, and shortest path determination.

  • Organize, store, and process data efficiently using sophisticated data structures and algorithms
  • Design algorithms and analyze their complexity in terms of running time and space usage
  • Create applications supported by highly efficient algorithms and data structures

By the end of the course, participants will possess the skills and knowledge required to develop highly performant data science applications and effectively manage large volumes of data.

Certificate Available ✔

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Foundations of Data Structures and Algorithms
Course Modules

This course covers a comprehensive array of topics, including algorithmic searching and sorting, tree and graph basics, dynamic programming, approximation algorithms, and advanced data structures, RSA, and quantum algorithms.

Algorithms for Searching, Sorting, and Indexing

Explain fundamental concepts for algorithmic searching and sorting

Describe heap data structures and analyze heap components, such as arrays and priority queues

Design basic algorithms to implement sorting, selection, and hash functions in heap data structures

Trees and Graphs: Basics

Define basic tree data structures and identify algorithmic functions associated with them

Execute traversals and create graphs within a binary search tree structure

Describe strongly connected components in graphs

Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms

Describe basic algorithm design techniques

Create divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms

Understand intractable problems, P vs NP, and the use of integer programming solvers

Approximation Algorithms and Linear Programming

Formulate linear and integer programming problems for solving commonly encountered optimization problems

Develop a basic understanding of how linear and integer programming problems are solved

Understand how approximation algorithms compute solutions that are guaranteed to be within some constant factor of the optimal solution

Advanced Data Structures, RSA and Quantum Algorithms

Understand how basic number-theoretic concepts are used to build the RSA crypto-system

Understand the foundations of quantum computation and its basic building blocks

Learn about how quantum computers can be used to break the RSA cryptosystem

Explore the differences between classical and quantum algorithms

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