
How Do We Manage Climate Change?

University of Colorado Boulder

In this course, learners will delve into the critical concepts of climate action, focusing on the mitigation and adaptation strategies to combat climate change. With a detailed exploration of policies, emissions reduction, and climate risk management, participants will gain the knowledge required to assess and evaluate climate actions at various levels.

Through a well-structured curriculum, the course covers the overall goals of mitigation and adaptation policies, primary sources and recent trends in greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, as well as examples of mitigation policies and adaptation efforts. Engaging modules and interactive quizzes enhance the learning experience, making it an invaluable resource for anyone passionate about addressing climate change.

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How Do We Manage Climate Change?
Course Modules

The course modules provide a comprehensive overview of climate action, covering topics such as policy, emissions reduction, and climate risk management.

Overview of Climate Action

Module 1: Overview of Climate Action

  • An introduction to the fundamental concepts of climate action and the distinction between mitigation and adaptation strategies.
  • Comprehensive coverage of mitigation and adaptation strategies and their relevance in addressing climate change.
  • Engaging content and interactive quizzes to reinforce learning.

Reducing Emissions

Module 2: Reducing Emissions

  • Exploration of key topics such as the Kaya Identity, emissions sources, and policy tools for emissions reduction.
  • Insightful interviews and discussions offering practical perspectives on US greenhouse gas emissions and the social cost of carbon.
  • Thorough understanding of carbon pricing and its significance in emissions reduction.

Managing Climate Risk Through Adaptation

Module 3: Managing Climate Risk Through Adaptation

  • An in-depth look at adaptation strategies, including guiding principles and community-driven climate resilience planning.
  • Insights into adapting to the impacts of climate change and practical examples of adaptation in practice.
  • An engaging infographic about climate action to reinforce learning and understanding.
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