
Introduction to Public Relations and the Media

University of Colorado Boulder

This specialized program from the University of Colorado Boulder offers comprehensive training in public relations and branding communication. Participants will gain expertise in managing company reputation and implementing strategic communication to enhance their organization. The course covers various aspects of public relations, including media relations, crisis communication, and the production of professional PR materials. Participants will also develop a portfolio containing essential items such as a media contact list, press release, pitch, and crisis communication plan.

Throughout the program, learners will have the opportunity to understand the value of public relations in the context of brand and organizational management, and apply the principles of PR theory to their own professional endeavors. The course also focuses on the practical application of public relations through the creation of professional materials such as press releases, social media content, and influencer lists.

By the end of this specialization, participants will be equipped with the necessary skills to effectively manage their brand's reputation and prepare proactive crisis communication plans. This program is ideal for individuals seeking to establish a strong foundation in public relations and branding communication, enabling them to launch successful careers in this dynamic field.

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Introduction to Public Relations and the Media
Course Modules

This course includes modules on Principles of Public Relations, Working with the Media, and The Nuts and Bolts of Public Relations, providing comprehensive training in PR theory, media relations, and professional PR materials creation.

Principles of Public Relations

Learn about the practice of public relations and its distinction from related fields such as advertising and marketing. Understand the role of mass media and its impact on news production. Identify target audiences, objectives for persuasive communication, and create essential public relations tools for daily use.

Working with the Media

Gain insights into organizational mission, core values, and the contribution of public relations to the branding process. Dive into mass media theory and its application to PR practice. Analyze mass media and develop effective PR messaging strategies.

The Nuts and Bolts of Public Relations

Acquire an in-depth understanding of press release components and execution. Explore media relations strategy and identify social media influencers aligned with your brand or organization.

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