
Modern Topics in Condensed Matter Physics

University of Colorado Boulder

This course delves into modern topics in condensed matter physics, providing a comprehensive understanding of phenomena like superconductivity, fractionalization, topology, and non-equilibrium phases. Through a series of modules, learners will explore the intricacies of these phenomena and gain insights into their implications in the field of physics.

Key topics covered include the fundamentals of superconductivity, BCS theory, topological phases in condensed matter, and non-equilibrium phases of matter. Learners will also delve into specific concepts such as anyon statistics, topological defects, and quantum thermalization. Each module offers detailed discussions, interactive quizzes, and supplemental content to enhance the learning experience.

By the end of the course, participants will have acquired a deep appreciation for the complexities of modern condensed matter physics, paving the way for further exploration and research in this fascinating field.

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Modern Topics in Condensed Matter Physics
Course Modules

Embark on a comprehensive journey through the intricacies of condensed matter physics, covering superconductivity, fractionalization, topology, and non-equilibrium phases.


This module provides an in-depth exploration of superconductivity, covering its historical context, types, mean field theory, and Josephson effects. Learners will gain a solid understanding of the fundamental principles and implications of superconductivity, setting the stage for further exploration of modern topics in condensed matter physics.

From BCS Theory of Superconductivity to Fractionalization

Delving into the BCS theory of superconductivity and fractionalization, this module explores the intricate relationship between electrons, phonons, and pairing instability. Participants will gain insights into spin-charge separation and the implications of fractionalization in condensed matter physics, laying the groundwork for advanced concepts in the field.

Topology in Condensed Matter

With a focus on topology in condensed matter, this module covers topological defects, homotopy theory, quantum Hall effect, topological insulators, and the intriguing concept of anyons. Learners will delve into the fascinating world of topological phases and their significance in modern condensed matter physics.

Non-Equilibrium Phases of Matter

Exploring non-equilibrium phases of matter, this module delves into ergodicity, quantum thermalization, localization, and emergent integrability. Participants will gain insights into the interplay of conservation laws and the emergence of non-equilibrium phases, providing a comprehensive view of the dynamic nature of condensed matter systems.

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