
Quantum Mechanics

University of Colorado Boulder

Explore the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics in the context of atomic and molecular behavior. This course delves into the Schrödinger wave equation, its relationship with structural behavior, and the application of modern quantum chemistry numerical solution methods. Through a postulatory approach, students gain insights into the behavior of atoms and molecules, and the methods used to solve the wave equation.

  • Gain an understanding of the Schrödinger wave equation and its role in explaining atomic and molecular structural behavior.
  • Explore modern quantum chemistry numerical solution methods for solving the wave equation.
  • Learn about the postulates of quantum mechanics and their application in understanding the structure of matter.

Certificate Available ✔

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Quantum Mechanics
Course Modules

The course modules cover the introduction to quantum mechanics, simple solutions of the wave equation, and real atomic and molecular behavior, including the Pauli exclusion principle and numerical methods for solving the wave equation.

Introduction to quantum mechanics

Module 1, "Introduction to quantum mechanics," provides an overview of the postulates of quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger wave equation, and its relationship with atomic and molecular structural behavior. The module also includes problem-solving exercises for practical application.

Simple Solutions of the Wave Equation

Module 2, "Simple Solutions of the Wave Equation," delves into the application of the wave equation in scenarios such as the particle in a box, internal motion, the hydrogenic atom, and the diatomic molecule. It offers insights into fundamental solutions and their implications.

Real Atomic and Molecular Behavior

Module 3, "Real Atomic and Molecular Behavior," explores the behavior of real atoms, the Pauli exclusion principle, multi-electron atoms, diatomic and polyatomic molecules, and numerical methods for solving the wave equation. It emphasizes the practical application of quantum mechanics in understanding atomic and molecular behavior.

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