
Relational Database Design

University of Colorado Boulder

Have you ever wanted to build a database but don't know where to start? The Relational Database Design course offers a comprehensive journey from conceptualization to implementation of a relational database. Through real-life mini cases and in-depth practice, learners gain the confidence and skills to create Entity Relationship Models, Entity Relationship Diagrams, Relational Models, and normalize to 3NF. The course is ideal for individuals seeking to master the intricacies of database design and management.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Creating Entity Relationship Models and Entity Relationship Diagrams
  • Developing Relational Models
  • Normalizing a Relational Model to 3NF

Certificate Available ✔

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Relational Database Design
Course Modules

The Relational Database Design course modules cover the fundamentals of database management, including Entity Relationship Models, Relational Models, and Normalization, providing practical exercises and solutions to reinforce learning.

Introduction to DBMS, and Entity Relational Models

The first module, "Introduction to DBMS, and Entity Relational Models," introduces the fundamentals of Database Management Systems (DBMS) and Entity Relational Models. Learners will explore concepts such as data storage, entities and attributes, relationships, and the representation of Entity Relationship Models. Practical exercises and self-assessment strategies will reinforce understanding.

Relational Models

The second module, "Relational Models," delves into the essentials of relational databases, including relations, keys, relational schemas, and the conversion of Entity Relationship Diagrams to Relational Models. Hands-on labs and solutions provide practical experience in constructing and understanding relational models.


The third module, "Normalization," focuses on addressing data redundancy and achieving normalization through the understanding of functional dependencies, normal forms, and the normalization process. Learners will engage in practical exercises and case studies to apply normalization techniques effectively.

Case Study

The final module, "Case Study," provides an opportunity for learners to apply their knowledge and skills in a real-world scenario. Through a comprehensive case study, learners will demonstrate their ability to design, implement, and optimize a relational database, reinforcing their understanding of the course concepts in a practical context.

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