
Robotic Path Planning and Task Execution

University of Colorado Boulder

This course, the final part of the Introduction to Robotics with Webots specialization, equips learners with essential skills in robotic path planning and task execution. Through hands-on exercises, you will master algorithms such as Breadth-First Search, Dijkstra's, A*, and Rapidly Exploring Random Trees. Moreover, you will implement behavior trees for task sequencing and experiment with the mobile manipulation robot "Tiago Steel".

By completing this course, you will gain proficiency in the following:

  • Utilizing discrete planning techniques such as Dijkstra and A* to compute optimal robot trajectories.
  • Implementing complex sequences of behaviors using behavior trees.
  • Planning and implementing a complex robotic controller for autonomous mobile manipulation behavior.

It is recommended to have completed the first and second courses of the specialization, “Introduction to Robotics: Basic Behaviors” and "Robotic Mapping and Trajectory Generation", prior to enrolling in this course. Whether you are a recent graduate or a working professional, this course provides valuable knowledge for those interested in the field of robotics and autonomous systems.

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Robotic Path Planning and Task Execution
Course Modules

The course consists of modules covering path planning, collision checking, behavior trees, basic manipulation, and a final project, offering a comprehensive learning experience in robotic path planning and task execution.

Path Planning

This module provides an introduction to the course and covers path planning, including topics such as graph traversal using Breadth-First Search (BFS), Dijkstra's algorithm, A*, and the implementation of a planner. Additionally, learners will have the opportunity to engage in activities and explore the significance of planning on graphs.

Collision Checking and Randomized Algorithms

In this module, learners will delve into randomized planning and collision avoidance, focusing on the RRT algorithm and collision checking. Hands-on activities involve the implementation of RRT and line-based collision checking, enabling practical application of the concepts learned.

Behavior Trees

Behavior Trees module introduces learners to behavior trees, parallel nodes, decorators, blackboards, and sequence and selector nodes. With a hands-on approach, participants will implement behavior trees, mapping, and navigation with behavior trees, gaining practical experience in this area.

Basic Manipulation

This module explores basic manipulation techniques, covering relevant topics and practical applications in the context of autonomous mobile manipulation behavior. Learners will acquire essential skills related to basic manipulation and its significance in robotic control.

Final Project for This Specialization

Concluding the course, the Final Project module provides an extensive opportunity for learners to apply their knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course. The focus is on a robotics specialization final project, allowing for the practical demonstration of proficiency in robotic path planning and task execution.

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