
Software Architecture Patterns for Big Data

University of Colorado Boulder

The Software Architecture Patterns for Big Data course is designed for individuals seeking to understand the architecture patterns essential for deploying large software systems that utilize big data. The comprehensive curriculum equips learners with the skills to transform big data prototypes into high-quality tested production software. By measuring the performance characteristics of distributed systems, students can identify and address trouble areas, implementing scalable solutions to enhance performance.

The course covers topics such as comparing, measuring, and testing big data models for production use, writing custom performance tests to measure distributed system characteristics, and using queues to horizontally distribute large workloads. Additionally, students will learn how to scale production data stores to perform under load and design load tests to ensure applications meet performance requirements.

  • Understand architecture patterns for large software systems using big data
  • Transform big data prototypes into high-quality, tested production software
  • Measure the performance characteristics of distributed systems and implement scalable solutions
  • Design load tests to ensure applications meet performance requirements

Certificate Available ✔

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Software Architecture Patterns for Big Data
Course Modules

The course modules cover predictive models, performance of distributed systems, horizontal distribution of large workloads, and highly available distributed systems. Students will gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills to transform big data prototypes into high-quality, tested production software.

Predictive Models

The Predictive Models module introduces students to the essential concepts and skills required to compare, measure, and test big data models for production use. The module also covers writing custom performance tests to measure the characteristics of a distributed system and using queues to horizontally distribute large workloads.

Performance of Distributed Systems

The Performance of Distributed Systems module focuses on understanding the performance characteristics of distributed systems and implementing scalable solutions to improve performance. Students will learn to identify performance concerns and write performance tests to measure distributed system characteristics.

Horizontal Distribution of Large Workloads

The Horizontal Distribution of Large Workloads module equips students with the knowledge and skills to perform performance testing and make improvements based on the results. The module covers the use of consistent hash exchange and messaging queues for high availability databases.

Highly Available Distributed Systems

The Highly Available Distributed Systems module delves into the CAP theorem trade-offs and the concept of availability. Students will gain insights into high availability databases, tradeoffs regarding high availability databases, and the impact of delay, memory, and messaging tradeoffs in distributed systems.

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