
The Art of Visual Storytelling

University of Colorado Boulder

The Art of Visual Storytelling course offers comprehensive training in video production, equipping you with essential skills to produce professional videos. Throughout this specialization, you will delve into the stages of video production, including Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production. The course covers a wide range of topics, from generating ideas and writing proposals to shooting for the edit and editing with non-linear programs like Adobe Premiere.

The course is designed for individuals seeking to enhance their video creation skills, including teachers, real estate agents, small-business owners, non-profit staff, and amateur vloggers. By the end of this specialization, you will have developed the ability to create a proposal for a video project, understand visual storytelling structure, shoot high-quality video, and edit footage with professional finesse.

  • Learn to generate ideas and write proposals, scripts, and storyboards in Pre-Production.
  • Acquire skills in basic camera functions, composition, and lighting in Production.
  • Master editing basics using non-linear editing programs like Adobe Premiere in Post-Production.

Certificate Available ✔

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The Art of Visual Storytelling
Course Modules

This course comprises three modules: Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production. In Pre-Production, you'll develop visual story ideas and create program proposals. The Production module covers camera operation, framing, and shooting techniques. Post-Production focuses on editing workflows and techniques for seamless video production.

A Blueprint for Success – Your Video Pre-Production

Identify equipment and software needs necessary to maintain high production value. Develop visual story ideas and create program proposals. Compare narrative structures and create storyboards, treatments, and scripts.

Ready to Roll – The Video Production Process

Learn to operate a prosumer camcorder in manual mode, identify different shots and camera moves, frame shots using the Rule of Thirds, and shoot sequences for continuity.

Bring Your Story to Life – Video Post-Production

Acquire skills to create a “paper edit” using time code in the script, apply professional editing workflows, perform basic editing, and interpret editing patterns and transitions.

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