
University of Florida

The University of Florida is a comprehensive public university located in Gainesville, Florida. It offers a broad range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs in diverse disciplines. Known for its focus on research and innovation, it is committed to producing future leaders.

7 University of Florida Courses


University of Florida

Agroforestry specialization from the University of Florida covers global distribution, principles, and scientific advances in sustainable land-use. Gain extensive...

Agroforestry I: Principles and Practices

University of Florida

Agroforestry I: Principles and Practices offers a comprehensive study of sustainable land-use through the integrated approach of growing trees and crops. Students...

Agroforestry II: Major Systems of the World

University of Florida

Agroforestry II: Major Systems of the World provides a comprehensive study of global agroforestry practices and scientific advances, offering valuable knowledge...

Fixing Healthcare Delivery

University of Florida

Fixing Healthcare Delivery provides a deep understanding of healthcare system problems and solutions. Learn to apply manufacturing principles, teamwork, and adaptive...

Music's Big Bang: The Genesis of Rock 'n' Roll

University of Florida

Music's Big Bang: The Genesis of Rock 'n' Roll explores the birth of American rock 'n' roll music in the early 1950s, covering the converging genres, styles, and...

Personal & Family Financial Planning

University of Florida

Personal & Family Financial Planning is a comprehensive course addressing vital financial management topics. Gain essential knowledge for a secure financial...

The Science of Training Young Athletes

University of Florida

The Science of Training Young Athletes provides practical sports science insights to retain and develop young athletes, focusing on coaching, motor performance,...