
In the footsteps of Zika… approaching the unknown

University of Geneva

Welcome to “In the footsteps of Zika… approaching the unknown”, an interdisciplinary on-demand MOOC that delves into the recent Zika outbreak. This course, offered by Université de Genève, Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Descartes, and Centre Virchow-Villermé, provides a comprehensive exploration of the Zika virus, its vectors, global spread, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and its impact on neurological health, social inequity, and political and economic stability.

Through a series of 8 modules available in 4 languages, participants will engage with interviews from international experts, quizzes, recommended readings, and online videos. The course covers a wide range of topics, including the epidemiology, historical and geographical dispersion of the virus, modes of transmission, preventive measures, and the role of policy makers and public health organizations in response to the outbreak.

As the Zika outbreak is ongoing and under close investigation, this open learning experience will provide participants with the opportunity to stay abreast of the latest developments and discoveries over time. Join this educational adventure to enhance your understanding of the Zika phenomenon and contribute to the collaborative dialogue among participants and facilitators.

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In the footsteps of Zika… approaching the unknown
Course Modules

Embark on a comprehensive journey through 8 modules covering the emergence of Zika, its global spread, prevention and control, diagnosis and treatment, neurological effects, social inequity, international health organizations' perspectives, and the impact of media and economic challenges.

Introducing Zika virus, its vectors and its hosts

Welcome to Module 1, where you will explore the emergence of the Zika virus, its hosts, and vectors through interviews with specialists, quizzes, and recommended readings. Engage in a debate surrounding the global spread of Zika epidemics across the globe.

Following the tracks of Zika virus

Module 2 takes you on a journey to understand the globalization and increased mosquito preference for humans, the influence of climate on Aedes distribution, and the introduction of Zika outbreak in Brazil. Contribute to the debate on the relationship between Zika and climate.

Prevention and control

Module 3 focuses on historical perspectives of suppressing and eradicating Aedes aegypti, protection of individuals at the frontline of virus emergence, and molecular analysis of insecticide resistance. Engage in discussions about the use of insecticides as the best control tool.

Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Module 4 delves into the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of Zika, exploring the challenges in diagnosis and the development of vaccines. Contribute to the debate about vaccine development to address current epidemics.

Zika and neurological adverses effects

Module 5 examines the neurological adverse effects of Zika, particularly its impact on young children, pregnant women, and the occurrence of Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Contribute to discussions about the health effects of Zika on vulnerable populations.

Inequity in front of Zika exposure and outcomes

Module 6 delves into the social inequity related to Zika exposure and outcomes, exploring the health crisis from an anthropological perspective and the challenges faced by women in affected regions. Engage in debates about women's rights and recommendations.

How do deal with Zika: WHO and international health organizations' perspectives

Module 7 provides insights into the perspectives of the WHO and international health organizations on dealing with Zika, drawing lessons from past epidemics and strategies to follow in the current context. Contribute to discussions about the response to the Zika virus.

The Zika phenomenon through medias and economical & political challenges

Module 8 explores the Zika phenomenon through media and the economic and political challenges it presents, including its impact on public awareness and the economy. Engage in debates about demography and economy in the context of Zika.

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