
Computational Thinking with Javascript 1: Draw & Animate

University of Glasgow

This course, offered by the University of Glasgow, is the first in a series of four courses designed to develop essential 21st-century computational thinking skills using JavaScript. Students will explore problem-solving frameworks and gain experience using JavaScript for animated graphics.

The course is suitable for complete beginners, those seeking to deepen their understanding of programming languages, and individuals interested in learning JavaScript within a supportive environment. Throughout the course, students will develop the skills to read and write programs in JavaScript, particularly focusing on drawing and animation using a specialized library. They will also learn how to post their creations on the web for others to appreciate.

Upon completion of this course, students will have a solid foundation in computational thinking, enabling them to work more effectively with digital technology and new problem domains. The subsequent courses in the series delve into data manipulation and analysis, as well as mainstream web-based platforms, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript and its applications.

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Computational Thinking with Javascript 1: Draw & Animate
Course Modules

This course is divided into four modules. Module 1 introduces computational thinking using graphics in JavaScript. Module 2 focuses on problem-solving and programming tasks. Module 3 explores complex drawings and their descriptions, while Module 4 delves into animations and consolidates the skills learned throughout the course.

Introductions - and starting out with CT using graphics in JavaScript

Module 1: Introductions - and starting out with CT using graphics in JavaScript

  • Introduction to computational thinking
  • Understanding the larger technology landscape
  • Reading and analyzing programs
  • Exploring Turtle graphics and Seymour Papert

Solving problems / programming a task

Module 2: Solving problems / programming a task

  • Problem-solving walk-through
  • Programming tasks and sharing work online
  • Receiving and giving feedback on programs

More complex drawings, and how to handle their descriptions

Module 3: More complex drawings, and how to handle their descriptions

  • Breaking down large programs into manageable chunks
  • Introduction to functions and parameters
  • Working with complex drawings and variable updates

Animations - and consolidating what we've learned so far

Module 4: Animations - and consolidating what we've learned so far

  • Creating animations and handling complex tasks
  • Experimenting with animations and building new projects
  • Consolidating skills and final quiz for Module 1
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