
Data Mining

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Data Mining Specialization equips learners with the skills and knowledge to analyze and mine data for valuable insights. This comprehensive course delves into data mining techniques for both structured and unstructured data, covering pattern discovery, clustering, text retrieval, text mining, and analytics. The Capstone project offers hands-on experience in solving real-world data mining challenges using a restaurant review dataset from Yelp.

  • Gain expertise in data visualization, pattern discovery, and text retrieval and search engines.
  • Learn to mine and analyze text data for valuable patterns and knowledge.
  • Explore cluster analysis methodologies and validate clustering quality.
  • Apply the learned algorithms and techniques to solve real-world data mining challenges in a project setting.

Upon completion, learners will have the ability to apply various data mining techniques to uncover meaningful insights from diverse datasets, thus enhancing their decision-making abilities and analytical skills.

Certificate Available ✔

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Data Mining
Course Modules

The course modules cover data visualization, pattern discovery, text retrieval and search engines, text mining and analytics, pattern discovery in data mining, cluster analysis, and a comprehensive data mining project using a restaurant review dataset from Yelp.

Data Visualization

Explore the general concepts of data mining and delve into methodologies for pattern discovery. Gain in-depth knowledge of pattern-based classification and applications.

Text Retrieval and Search Engines

Learn about search engine technologies and their role in data mining applications involving text data. Understand the basic concepts, principles, and major techniques in text retrieval.

Text Mining and Analytics

Discover major techniques for mining and analyzing text data to extract useful knowledge, with a focus on statistical approaches applicable to arbitrary text data in any natural language.

Pattern Discovery in Data Mining

Dive into subfield in data mining: pattern discovery. Learn about data-driven phrase mining, scalable pattern discovery methods, and methods for mining diverse kinds of patterns.

Cluster Analysis in Data Mining

Uncover the basic concepts of cluster analysis and study typical clustering methodologies, algorithms, and applications, including clustering validation and evaluation of clustering quality.

Data Mining Project

Apply the learned algorithms and techniques for data mining from the previous courses to solve real-world data mining challenges using a restaurant review dataset from Yelp. Gain experience with a typical workflow in data mining.

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