
Financial Management

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This Specialization in Financial Management covers the fundamentals of strategic financial management, including financial accounting, investments, and corporate finance. It equips learners with an integrated framework for value-based financial management and individual financial decision-making.

Throughout the course, you will gain a solid foundation in developing strategic financial decision-making, understand financial statements and their analysis, learn portfolio management and firm valuation techniques, and incorporate risk and uncertainty into investment decisions.

The course is part of the University of Illinois iMBA Program and fulfills the requirements for earning college credit. Upon completion, you will have the skills to evaluate major strategic corporate and investment decisions from a financial perspective.

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Financial Management
Course Modules

This Specialization comprises modules covering financial accounting foundations, advanced financial accounting, investment principles, corporate finance, financing decisions, and a financial management capstone project.

Financial Accounting: Foundations

Financial Accounting: Foundations covers the basics of financial accounting information, including the main financial statements and accrual accounting. Learners will also analyze accounting for short-term assets such as accounts receivables and inventories.

Financial Accounting: Advanced Topics

Financial Accounting: Advanced Topics delves into accounting for assets with more than one-year life, financing of assets, accounting for liabilities, shareholders’ equity, and cash flows statements analysis.

Investments I: Fundamentals of Performance Evaluation

Investments I: Fundamentals of Performance Evaluation focuses on risk-return models, portfolio optimization, security pricing, market efficiency, and firm valuation techniques. It emphasizes real-world examples and applications in Excel throughout.

Investments II: Lessons and Applications for Investors

Investments II: Lessons and Applications for Investors reviews investment fundamentals, stock returns, investment decisions, evidence regarding individual investors' performance, and actively-managed mutual funds.

Corporate Finance I: Measuring and Promoting Value Creation

Corporate Finance I: Measuring and Promoting Value Creation teaches the use of finance principles to measure business success, manage liquidity needs, make sound investment decisions, and evaluate existing investments' performance.

Corporate Finance II: Financing Investments and Managing Risk

Corporate Finance II: Financing Investments and Managing Risk covers financing decisions, credit risk management, dividends, share repurchases, liquidity management, and financing merger and acquisition decisions. It also addresses leverage in standard valuation models.

Financial Management Capstone

Financial Management Capstone integrates learning from all courses within the specialization. Students will analyze a company's situation and develop a financial management plan, achieving both pedagogical and experiential goals.

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