
Strategic Leadership and Management

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Embark on a transformative journey in strategic leadership and management, delving into the fundamentals of leading people, teams, and organizations. This Specialization covers strategic, human resource, and organizational foundations, culminating in a leadership and management plan. Through immersive learning experiences, you will develop the tools necessary to analyze business situations and make immediate impact strategies.

  • Develop a conceptual framework for leadership
  • Learn to build effective team cultures
  • Design and manage organizations for effective governance and growth
  • Understand strategic management tools and frameworks for value creation and capture
  • Learn to analyze and manage corporate decisions from a multi-business perspective
  • Apply learned concepts to a leadership and management plan for real business situations

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Strategic Leadership and Management
Course Modules

This Specialization comprises six courses and a capstone, covering foundational topics such as team leadership, organizational design, business and corporate strategy, culminating in a leadership and management plan.

Leading Teams: Developing as a Leader

Leading Teams: Developing as a Leader explores the concept of leadership, essential competencies for leaders, effective decision-making, building trusting relationships, and leadership growth practices.

Leading Teams: Building Effective Team Cultures

Leading Teams: Building Effective Team Cultures immerses learners in the creation of effective team cultures, focusing on safety, engagement, and growth to facilitate effective teamwork.

Designing the Organization

Designing the Organization equips learners with tools to analyze organizations, plan for effective governance, growth, and change, and strategically respond to external factors.

Managing the Organization

Managing the Organization helps managers understand and navigate common managerial challenges, organizational culture, and decision-making, applying principles to management challenges.

Business Strategy

Business Strategy develops an understanding of value creation, capture, and tools to analyze competition and cooperation, enhancing overall performance.

Corporate Strategy

Corporate Strategy goes beyond business strategy, focusing on corporate-level decisions and management, including corporate scope, global strategy, and stakeholder management.

Strategic Leadership and Management Capstone

Strategic Leadership and Management Capstone is a hands-on leadership and management plan, applying learned concepts to real business situations for immediate impact and value creation.

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