
VLSI CAD Part I: Logic

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

A modern VLSI chip is a complex integration of logic, control, memory, and interconnect components, designed using CAD software tools. This course, VLSI CAD Part I: Logic, offered by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, delves into the fundamental design tools used in creating Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) and System on Chip (SoC) designs.

Students will explore key Boolean logic representations necessary for synthesizing and verifying gate-level logic in these sophisticated designs. The course covers computational Boolean algebra, logic verification, and logic synthesis, including 2-level and multi-level approaches. Prior programming experience and basic knowledge of data structures and algorithms are recommended, along with familiarity with digital design concepts such as Boolean algebra, K-maps, gates, and flip-flops. Although exposure to basic VLSI at an undergraduate level is beneficial, the course is self-contained and accessible to learners with no prior VLSI background.

The course consists of six modules, each focusing on specific aspects such as computational Boolean algebra, Boolean representation via Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and SAT, 2-level logic synthesis, multi-level factor extraction, and a final exam to assess the acquired knowledge.

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VLSI CAD Part I: Logic
Course Modules

VLSI CAD Part I: Logic comprises six modules focusing on computational Boolean algebra, Boolean representation, 2-level and multi-level logic synthesis, and a final exam to assess learning outcomes.


Welcome to VLSI CAD Part I: Logic! This module provides an orientation to the course, including an introduction, syllabus overview, and tools required for the course. It also includes a demographics survey and covers essential software tools such as KBDD, MiniSat, and Espresso.

Computational Boolean Algebra

The Computational Boolean Algebra module explores the basics of computational Boolean algebra, Boolean difference, quantification operators, and their application to logic network repair. It also includes an overview and assignments for Week 1.

Boolean Representation via BDDs and SAT

The Boolean Representation via BDDs and SAT module delves into Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), covering basics, sharing, ordering, and using SAT for logic. It also outlines the overview and assignments for Week 2, including problem sets and programming assignments.

2-Level Logic Synthesis, and Multi-Level Logic Synthesis via the Algebraic Model

The 2-Level Logic Synthesis, and Multi-Level Logic Synthesis via the Algebraic Model module focuses on 2-level logic basics, multi-level logic, algebraic models, kernels, and co-kernels in factoring. It also provides an overview and assignments for Week 3, including problem sets.

Multilevel Factor Extract and Don't Cares

The Multilevel Factor Extract and Don't Cares module covers multilevel logic, divisor extraction, implicit and explicit don't cares, and various types of don't cares. It also outlines the overview and assignments for Week 4, including problem sets and a programming assignment.

Final Exam

The Final Exam module assesses the knowledge acquired throughout the course, serving as the culmination of the learning journey in VLSI CAD Part I: Logic.

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