

University of Maryland, College Park

The Cybersecurity Specialization offered by the University of Maryland, College Park covers the fundamental concepts underlying the construction of secure systems, from hardware to software to the human-computer interface. The program aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity with a focus on practical applications and hands-on exercises.

The course consists of the following modules:

  • Usable Security
  • Software Security
  • Cryptography
  • Hardware Security
  • Cybersecurity Capstone Project

The Usable Security module focuses on designing and building secure systems with a human-centric approach, while the Software Security module explores software vulnerabilities, attacks, and defenses. The Cryptography module introduces the foundations of modern cryptography, and the Hardware Security module delves into the vulnerabilities in current digital system design flow and physical attacks to these systems. The Cybersecurity Capstone Project provides an intensive experience for students to build and analyze secure software systems.

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Course Modules

The Cybersecurity Specialization comprises modules focused on Usable Security, Software Security, Cryptography, Hardware Security, and a Cybersecurity Capstone Project, providing learners with a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity fundamentals and practical applications.

Usable Security

This module focuses on how to design and build secure systems with a human-centric focus. Learners will explore basic principles of human-computer interaction and apply these insights to develop security measures that respect human performance and goals within a system.

Software Security

This course explores the foundations of software security, considering important vulnerabilities and attacks, as well as defenses to prevent or mitigate these attacks. Learners will adopt a "build security in" mentality, considering techniques at each phase of the development cycle to strengthen the security of software systems.


This module introduces learners to the foundations of modern cryptography, with a focus on practical applications in cybersecurity.

Hardware Security

Students will study security and trust from the hardware perspective, understanding vulnerabilities in current digital system design flow and the physical attacks to these systems. They will learn that security starts from hardware design and be familiar with the tools and skills to build secure and trusted hardware.

Cybersecurity Capstone Project

This course presents an intensive experience during which students build a software system they intend to be secure, and then attempt to show that other students' projects are insecure, by finding flaws in them.

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