
Nursing Informatics Leadership Theory and Practice

University of Minnesota

Nursing Informatics Leadership Theory and Practice is a transformative course designed to empower nursing professionals with the knowledge and skills essential for effective leadership in clinical and academic settings. Through a series of engaging modules, participants will explore a range of critical topics, from evaluating leadership styles to discovering core values that underpin effective leadership in nursing informatics. The course delves into the complexities of competing values and polarities, providing insights into successful leadership collaboration.

Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their personal leadership style through the Minnesota Nursing Informatics Leadership Inventory (MNLI) and develop a personal leadership mission statement. The value and importance of foresight leadership in nursing informatics are also thoroughly examined, enabling participants to anticipate trends and consequences likely to transform the learning health care system.

  • Evaluate effective leadership styles for leadership in nursing informatics
  • Discover core values that support effective nursing informatics leadership
  • Explore competing values and polarities related to knowledge leadership and management
  • Reflect on personal informatics leadership style based on MNLI results
  • Discuss the value and importance of foresight leadership in nursing informatics

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Nursing Informatics Leadership Theory and Practice
Course Modules

This course comprises five modules covering effective leadership styles, core values, competing values and polarities, personal leadership development, and foresight leadership in nursing informatics.

Evaluate effective leadership styles for leadership in nursing informatics in clinical or academic contexts to improve your leadership success

Welcome to Module 1, where you'll delve into evaluating effective leadership styles for nursing informatics in clinical and academic contexts. This module provides insights into the foundational aspects of leadership in nursing informatics, including discussions on various leadership theories and their application in practice. Participants will engage in thought-provoking discussions and self-assessments to refine their leadership skills.

Discover core values that support effective nursing informatics leadership in academic and clinical contexts to inform development of a personal leadership mission statement, and development plan

Module 2 focuses on discovering core values that support effective nursing informatics leadership in both academic and clinical settings. Participants will explore the competing values framework and undertake a personal values assessment. This module aims to guide participants in developing a personal leadership mission statement and a comprehensive development plan.

Discover competing values and polarities related to knowledge leadership and management to promote successful leadership collaboration

Module 3 is dedicated to exploring the competing values and polarities related to knowledge leadership and management, essential for fostering successful leadership collaboration in nursing informatics. Participants will gain valuable insights into managing polarities within their organizations and apply the Polarity Management Model to different aspects of leadership.

Reflect on results from the Minnesota Nursing Informatics Leadership Inventory (MNLI) to inform successful leadership development and practice

In Module 4, participants will reflect on the results from the Minnesota Nursing Informatics Leadership Inventory (MNLI) to inform successful leadership development and practice. This module focuses on identifying and understanding personal informatics leadership styles, enabling participants to revise and refine their personal leadership statements for enhanced effectiveness.

Discuss the value and importance of foresight leadership in nursing informatics to anticipate trends and consequences that are likely to transform the learning health care system

Module 5 delves into the value and importance of foresight leadership in nursing informatics, emphasizing the anticipation of trends and consequences likely to transform the learning health care system. Participants will explore future studies, strategic foresight, and the role of anticipatory leadership in shaping the future of nursing informatics.

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