
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies

University of Pennsylvania

Explore the innovative world of cryptocurrency and blockchain with the University of Pennsylvania's "Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies" course. Taught by Professors Jessica Wachter and Sarah Hammer, this course equips individuals and organizations with the knowledge necessary to navigate cryptocurrency investments and incorporate them into modern investment portfolios.

Throughout the course, you will delve into the foundations of digital signatures, the structure of blockchain, and the risks and returns associated with cryptocurrency as an asset class. Discover the role of cryptocurrency in the evolving landscape of finance and explore its potential applications across various industries, from finance to gaming and beyond.

By the end of the course, you will have developed a comprehensive understanding of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and the practical strategies for integrating cryptocurrency into investment plans, without any prerequisites required.

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Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies
Course Modules

This course comprises four modules that cover the introduction to cryptocurrency, the rules and structure of Bitcoin, cryptocurrency as an asset class, and the broader ecosystem of blockchain technology, providing a comprehensive understanding of these topics.

Module 1: Introduction to Cryptocurrency

Module 1 introduces the fundamentals of cryptocurrency, exploring the concept of transacting in Bitcoin and the rationale for the use of cryptocurrency.

Module 2: Rules and Structure of Bitcoin

Module 2 delves into the rules and structure of Bitcoin, covering topics such as digital signatures, blockchain, distributed consensus, and the future challenges facing cryptocurrency.

Module 3: Cryptocurrency as an Asset Class

Module 3 examines cryptocurrency as an asset class, discussing risk and return, portfolio theory, and asset allocation with cryptocurrency, providing insights into its role in modern investment portfolios.

Module 4: The Blockchain Ecosystem

Module 4 delves into the broader blockchain ecosystem, covering topics such as crypto finance, business use cases, investing in blockchain, and the regulatory landscape, offering a comprehensive view of blockchain technology's applications and implications.

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