
Foundations of Positive Psychology

University of Pennsylvania

The Foundations of Positive Psychology course at the University of Pennsylvania provides a deep dive into the science and application of positive psychology. Through five engaging modules, learners will explore the vision and research of leading experts, including Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman, Dr. James Pawelski, Dr. Angela Duckworth, Dr. Claire Robertson-Kraft, and Dr. Karen Reivich.

Key topics include understanding the scientific foundations of positive psychology, broadening interventions, assessing hypothesis characteristics, developing resilience skills, and designing a life for well-being. Each module offers practical insights and strategies to apply the concepts of positive psychology to personal and professional life, fostering well-being and flourishing.

  • Gain a deep understanding of the scientific foundations of Positive Psychology
  • Learn strategies for classifying character strengths and virtues
  • Utilize best practices for research data collection and inferential statistics for data analysis
  • Develop resilience skills and create a buffer of positivity to boost resilience in stressful situations
  • Identify and craft positive interventions using signature strengths for personal well-being

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Foundations of Positive Psychology
Course Modules

The Foundations of Positive Psychology course encompasses five engaging modules that delve into the scientific foundations, applications, character strengths, resilience skills, and personal well-being interventions of positive psychology.

Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science

Understand the scientific foundations of Positive Psychology, learn how skills of well-being can be learned and taught, and discuss inspiring new developments in the field.

Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions

Understand the Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Interventions, use strategies for classifying character strengths and virtues, choose goals that support personal well-being, and cultivate a healthy emotional life.

Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods

Assess the characteristics of a hypothesis, make use of best practices for research data collection and inferential statistics for data analysis, and describe the basics of research methodologies and design.

Positive Psychology: Resilience Skills

Understand protective factors that make one resilient, recognize thinking traps that undercut resilience, make use of non-cognitive strategies that decrease anxiety, and create a buffer of positivity that boosts resilience in stressful situations.

Positive Psychology Specialization Project: Design Your Life for Well-being

Identify signature strengths, describe character strengths that promote well-being, craft positive interventions using signature strengths, and share work by writing a post-intervention assessment.

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