
Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods

University of Pennsylvania

Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of Positive Psychology with the “Positive Psychology: Character, Grit, and Research Methods” course offered by the University of Pennsylvania. Led by renowned experts, Dr. Angela Duckworth and Dr. Claire Robertson-Kraft, this course delves deep into the integration of research methods in the study of Positive Psychology, offering a comprehensive understanding of character, grit, and research methodologies.

Throughout the course, learners will explore the work of Dr. Duckworth and Dr. Robertson-Kraft, including their acclaimed study "True Grit." By examining interviews with researchers and practitioners, participants will develop a research hypothesis and gain insights into distinguishing between internal and external validity. Moreover, the course equips learners with the ability to assess the strengths and weaknesses associated with different measurement and evaluation designs, empowering them to interpret empirical study results effectively.

Featuring modules such as "Planning for Research," "Collecting Data," "Analyzing Data," and "Using Research to Inform Your Work and the World Around You," this course offers a rich learning experience. From understanding the basics of research methodologies and design to utilizing inferential statistics for data analysis, participants will gain valuable skills and knowledge to apply in their pursuit of Positive Psychology.

  • Gain insights into character, grit, and research methodologies
  • Develop a research hypothesis and learn to interpret empirical study results
  • Understand the difference between internal and external validity
  • Apply best practices for research data collection

Certificate Available ✔

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Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods
Course Modules

Explore the course modules which cover Planning for Research, Collecting Data, Analyzing Data, and Using Research to Inform Your Work and the World Around You. Gain a comprehensive understanding of research methodologies and their application in Positive Psychology.

Planning for Research

Gain a solid foundation in planning for research through an exploration of character and grit. Understand the stages of the research process, internal and external validity, and develop a hypothesis.

Collecting Data

Delve into the intricacies of collecting data, including quantitative and qualitative methods. Explore the validity of various measures and gain insights into operationalization, reliability, and validity.

Analyzing Data

Equip yourself with the skills to analyze data effectively, covering descriptive analysis, inferential statistics, and the interpretation of research findings. Master the art of formulating hypotheses and analyses.

Using Research to Inform Your Work and the World Around You

Discover how research can inform your work and the world around you. Gain insights into the anatomy of a research article, review of validity, research design, and become an educated consumer of research.

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