
Build Your Own iOS App

University of Toronto

In the Build Your Own iOS App capstone, you will embark on a comprehensive journey to elevate your proficiency in iOS app development. This course, offered by the University of Toronto, focuses on honing your skills and knowledge to create sophisticated, feature-rich applications within the iOS environment using Swift 2.

Throughout the course, you will engage in a series of modules designed to expand your repertoire of advanced features and functions, allowing you to refine your development skill set. The project-based structure empowers you to apply your accumulated skills in an in-depth capstone project, resulting in the creation of a high-quality app that encapsulates your expertise gained throughout the specialization series.

  • Expand your iOS development repertoire with additional features and advanced functions.
  • Refine your development skill set by applying accumulated skills in a project-based capstone.
  • Create a high-quality app using Swift 2, showcasing your expertise in iOS app development.

By enrolling in this capstone, you will gain invaluable experience in crafting innovative applications and stay updated with the latest advancements in Swift. Join the course to take your iOS app development skills to new heights and unleash your creativity in the iOS environment.

Certificate Available ✔

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Build Your Own iOS App
Course Modules

The course modules cover a range of topics, including advanced features, Swift 2 usage, and project-based app development. From exploring selfies and web services to mastering object animation and final app submission, this comprehensive program equips you with the skills to excel in iOS app development.

Welcome to Build Your Own iOS App

Welcome to Build Your Own iOS App

  • Explore the fundamentals of iOS app development and get acquainted with the course structure.
  • Discover the process of making prototypes with Keynote and delve into the world of selfies in the iOS environment.
  • Access various module downloads for different versions of Xcode, ensuring compatibility with your development environment.

Facetracker Library

Facetracker Library

  • Learn to integrate the Facetracker framework into your iOS app to enhance user experience and engagement.
  • Gain insights into using the Facetracker view controller and understand the importance of this framework in app development.
  • Download and utilize the Facetracker files for different versions of Xcode, ensuring seamless integration with your development environment.

Object Animation (Basic)

Object Animation (Basic)

  • Master the basics of facetracker and understand its significance in creating captivating and interactive app experiences.
  • Explore the process of making HTTP requests and delve into the documentation of APIs for seamless integration into your app.
  • Engage in peer check-ins to receive valuable feedback on your app prototype, refining your development skills further.

Animation Series (Complex)

Animation Series (Complex)

  • Take your app development skills to the next level by showcasing tracked points and creating captivating animations within your app.

Final App Submission

Final App Submission

  • Embark on the culmination of your iOS app development journey as you bid farewell to the iOS App Team and submit your final project.
  • Explore the final example and engage in the submission process, demonstrating your proficiency in creating high-quality apps using Swift 2.
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