
Gender Analytics for Innovation

University of Toronto

Gender Analytics for Innovation is a transformative course offered by the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. Through this 5-course specialization, you will explore the impact of gender on products, services, and policies, uncovering hidden opportunities for innovation and effectiveness.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize implicit gendered impacts in policies, products, services, and processes
  • Develop fluency in key concepts of Gender Analytics, including gender identity and intersectionality
  • Evaluate options for using Gender Analytics to spur inclusive innovation
  • Identify opportunities to build personal and organizational capabilities for effective Gender Analytics

This course is designed to equip you with the foundational knowledge and skills to conduct Gender Analytics, leading to transformational innovations. Join this course to start your journey in building a workplan for your own Gender Analytics project.

Certificate Available ✔

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Gender Analytics for Innovation
Course Modules

The course is divided into 4 modules. Module 1 introduces Gender Analytics, Module 2 focuses on Gender Analytics competencies, Module 3 delves into the importance of gender and its intersections, and Module 4 explores Gender Analytics for inclusive innovation.

Using Gender Analytics to create opportunities and mitigate risks

Module 1: Using Gender Analytics to create opportunities and mitigate risks

Module 1 provides an introduction to the Gender Analytics specialization, covering the learning philosophy and how Gender Analytics can create opportunities and avoid risks. You will also engage in a case example and assessment to reinforce your understanding.

Gender Analytics competencies

Module 2: Gender Analytics competencies

Module 2 introduces the Gender Analysis Competency Framework and helps you understand how the courses in the Specialization will build your competencies. Through self-assessment and reflection, you will develop fluency in key concepts of Gender Analytics.

Why gender and its intersections matter

Module 3: Why gender and its intersections matter

Module 3 delves into defining gender, exploring the impact of intersectionality, and providing multimedia resources and a worksheet for interrogating your own identities. Assessments and reflections will reinforce your understanding of gender concepts.

Gender Analytics for inclusive innovation

Module 4: Gender Analytics for inclusive innovation

Module 4 explores Gender Analytics as innovation and its role in inclusive innovation. You will engage in application spotlights, case examples, and worksheets to develop your own Gender Analytics project and self-development plan, culminating in a comprehensive assessment.

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