
Gender Analytics: Gender Equity through Inclusive Design

University of Toronto

Explore the transformative power of Gender Analytics in creating inclusive, equitable outcomes in products, policies, and services. This course equips business leaders, government professionals, and HR experts with the tools to innovate using gender-based insights. Learn qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques, human-centered design, and transformational leadership skills. Delve into key concepts such as gender identity and intersectionality, and develop the ability to recognize and address gendered impacts in various domains. The capstone project allows you to apply your learning to real-world scenarios, honing your ability to integrate gender-based insights and generate innovative solutions.

  • Understand the implicit gendered impacts in policies, products, and processes
  • Master inclusive analytic techniques and qualitative & quantitative research methods
  • Learn human-centered design principles for inclusive innovation
  • Develop transformational leadership skills to drive change and overcome resistance
  • Create a gender analytics capstone project to apply your knowledge in a practical setting

Certificate Available ✔

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Gender Analytics: Gender Equity through Inclusive Design
Course Modules

Enhance your understanding of Gender Analytics through five comprehensive modules. Learn to recognize gendered impacts and develop inclusive solutions using qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques, human-centered design, and transformational leadership skills.

Gender Analytics for Innovation

Recognize implicit gendered impacts in policies, products, and processes. Develop fluency in key Gender Analytics concepts and evaluate options for inclusive innovation. Identify opportunities to build personal and organizational capabilities for effective intersectional Gender Analytics.

Inclusive Analytic Techniques

Understand legal & ethical frameworks for data collection and analysis. Learn to uncover intersectional gender-based insights using quantitative and qualitative research methods. Collaborate with stakeholders to gain an in-depth understanding of unmet needs and integrate insights from both types of data.

Human-Centered Design for Inclusive Innovation

Acquire tools for human-centered design and problem reframing to drive inclusive innovation. Identify latent human needs and involve users and stakeholders in all stages of design to create inclusive solutions.

Transformational Leadership for Inclusive Innovation

Embrace Gender Analytics as a tool for transformational leadership. Plan for resistance, organize diverse teams, and identify the role of Gender Analytics at each stage of planning and operations.

Gender Analytics Capstone Project

Learn to assess and integrate qualitative and quantitative insights for stakeholder needs. Explore approaches for reframing problem statements and practice developing multiple ideas and approaches to a problem. Strategize for organizational impact and bring your innovative ideas to life.

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