
Digital Product Management

University of Virginia

This Specialization in Digital Product Management offered by the University of Virginia is designed for both current and aspiring product managers in the digital space. It focuses on applying a portfolio of modern practices to develop products and teams effectively. The program consists of five courses that cover essential aspects of product management in the digital domain. Throughout the specialization, participants will learn to create and manage a team charter that drives alignment and autonomy, lead with actionable design narrative on customers, establish a culture of experimentation with hypothesis-driven development, and incorporate relevant, actionable analytics into their product program.

The courses in this specialization include:

  1. Digital Product Management: Modern Fundamentals
  2. Agile Meets Design Thinking
  3. Hypothesis-Driven Development
  4. Agile Analytics
  5. Managing an Agile Team

Upon completion, participants will have gained the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the dynamic field of digital product management, with a focus on modern methodologies and best practices.

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Digital Product Management
Course Modules

This Specialization comprises five courses covering essential aspects of digital product management, including modern fundamentals, agile methodologies, hypothesis-driven development, agile analytics, and team management.

Digital Product Management: Modern Fundamentals

How to create the actionable focus to successfully manage your product

How to focus your work using modern product management methods

How to manage new products and explore new product ideas

How to manage and amplify existing products

Agile Meets Design Thinking

How to evaluate and explain the relevance of concepts and practices from agile development methodologies

How to create a strong shared perspective and drive to value using design methods like personas and problem scenarios

How to diagnose what software will be valuable to the user and how to test your ideas using agile user stories and prototypes

How to facilitate narrative collaboration with user stories and prototypes

Hypothesis-Driven Development

How to drive valuable outcomes for your user and reduce waste for your team by diagnosing and prioritizing what you need to know about them

How to focus your practice of agile by pairing qualitative and quantitative analytics

How to do just enough research when you need it by running design sprints

How to accelerate value delivery by investing in your product pipeline

Agile Analytics

How to naturally, habitually tie your team’s work to actionable analytics that help you drive to user value

How to pair your hypotheses on customer personas and problem with analytics

How to test propositions (a la Lean Startup) so you don’t build features no one wants

How to instrument actionable observation into everything you build (a la Lean UX)

Managing an Agile Team

How to select and test agile practices to adaptively improve your team’s practice of agile

How to create an agile team charter that aligns your team’s focus with company strategy while leaving it free to work creatively

How to facilitate retrospectives with your team to iteratively, collaboratively improve your practice of agile

How to support your team’s transition to agile

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