
Estrategia de IT centrada en el cliente

University of Virginia

In today's corporate landscape, effective IT investments are crucial, yet more than half of IT projects encounter significant errors. Dive into this two-week course from the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business to explore how to address corporate IT challenges with design thinking, Lean Startup methodology, and agile principles. Learn to utilize the Canvas business model to guide your company's strategy and gain stakeholder buy-in, translate your work in the Canvas model into specific IT charters, and rapidly prototype strategy-aligned processes for IT implementation.

Key highlights include:

  • Insights into customer-centric strategy execution
  • Utilizing the Canvas business model for strategic alignment
  • Rapid prototyping of strategy-aligned IT processes

Certificate Available ✔

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Estrategia de IT centrada en el cliente
Course Modules

Explore the course's modules, delving into customer-centric strategies and rapid prototyping for effective IT solutions.

¿Cómo defines una estrategia centrada en el cliente que puedas ejecutar en la práctica?

Uncover the principles of agile manifesto and the challenges in IT projects. Dive into strategies and value definition, customer journey, and key activities. Gain hands-on experience with the Canvas business model and Google Docs. Wrap up the module with process inventories, a test, and networking with classmates.

¿Cómo puedes elaborar un prototipo de las soluciones de IT que las personas desean usar?

Learn to craft process prototypes that address user needs, validate criteria, and summarize the product. Gain insights into the design of processes and validation criteria through simulations and demonstrations. Test your knowledge and enhance your skills in rapid prototyping for IT solutions.

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