
Patrick Henry: Forgotten Founder

University of Virginia

Delve into the captivating story of Patrick Henry, a seminal figure in American history often overlooked. This course offers a deep dive into Henry's life, examining his pivotal role in igniting the Revolution and his controversial stance against the U.S. Constitution. Explore the complexities of early American politics, economics, and religion, and gain a nuanced understanding of the forces that shaped the nation's foundation.

  • Uncover the family background and early life of Patrick Henry
  • Explore his successes and failures, including his education and encounters with slavery
  • Examine his revolutionary contributions, from the Stamp Act Resolves to the iconic "Give me liberty, or give me death" speech
  • Analyze Henry's opposition to the U.S. Constitution and his role in defending the people's Constitution against Jefferson and Madison's attacks
  • Gain insight into Henry's legacy, his retirement, political offers, and his lasting impact on American history

This biographical course provides a rich understanding of how individuals can shape national history, offering a compelling narrative that goes beyond the confines of traditional historical accounts.

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Patrick Henry: Forgotten Founder
Course Modules

Embark on a journey through the course modules, from exploring Patrick Henry's family tree and early life to his revolutionary and constitutional contributions. Gain a comprehensive understanding of this influential figure's lasting impact on American history.

Course Introduction

Uncover the family background and early life of Patrick Henry, gaining insight into the formative experiences that shaped his political outlook

Patrick Henry: Failure and Success

Explore the successes and failures of Patrick Henry, from his education to his encounters with slavery, shedding light on the complexities of his early years

Revolutionary Henry

Delve into Patrick Henry's revolutionary contributions, including his pivotal role in the Stamp Act Resolves and his iconic "Give me liberty, or give me death" speech

Constitutional Henry

Analyze Patrick Henry's opposition to the U.S. Constitution, his defense of the people's Constitution against Jefferson and Madison's attacks, and his lasting impact on American history

Patrick Henry Legacy

Gain insight into Patrick Henry's legacy, retirement, political offers, and his lasting impact on American history, providing a comprehensive understanding of his enduring influence

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