
Programming for a Networked World

Vanderbilt University

Embark on a captivating journey into computer programming with the "Programming for a Networked World" course. Explore fundamental programming concepts and computational literacy using NetsBlox, an educational block-based visual programming environment, while delving into modern computer science concepts like networking, the internet, and distributed computing.

Throughout this innovative course, you will develop practical skills in problem-solving, computational thinking, and translating ideas into functional computer programs. The curriculum is tailored for K12 teachers and students, providing a gentle yet comprehensive introduction to computer science.

  • Learn fundamental programming concepts including variables, control structures, and functions
  • Gain insight into the basics of distributed computing and computer networking
  • Engage in hands-on projects that make programming more engaging and practical
  • Acquire a solid foundation for learning professional programming languages such as Python and Java

Join this enriching course offered by Vanderbilt University and enhance your computational literacy in a fun and innovative way.

Certificate Available ✔

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Programming for a Networked World
Course Modules

The course modules cover a broad spectrum of topics, including fundamental programming concepts, distributed programming, and text analysis, using NetsBlox to engage learners in a hands-on and practical approach to computer programming.


Welcome to the Course! This module provides a brief introduction to the course, setting the stage for the exciting journey into computer programming.

  • Introduction to NetsBlox, Turtle Graphics, and Boolean Logic
  • Hands-on projects and practical application of programming concepts
  • Setting up the Auto-Grader and understanding the NetsBlox environment

Custom Blocks, Events and RPCs

Delve deeper into programming with Custom Blocks, Events, and Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs). Learn about lists, recursion, and events in programming, and gain hands-on experience in creating custom blocks, broadcasting, and mapping.

  • Understanding lists, recursion, and events in programming
  • Creating custom blocks, broadcasting, and mapping
  • Exploring the practical application of Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)

Loops and Lists

Explore the world of Loops and Lists, gaining proficiency in coding loops, variable scope, and error handling. Learn to manipulate and mutate lists, and create dynamic content using loops and structured data.

  • Mastering loops, lists, and variable scope in programming
  • Practical application of error handling and list manipulation
  • Creating dynamic content using loops and structured data

Structured Data

Dive into the realm of Structured Data, where you will learn about lists of lists, charts, zipping lists, and mapping. Utilize the Structured Data Library and explore practical applications of structured data in programming.

  • Understanding and manipulating structured data in programming
  • Creating charts, zipping lists, and utilizing the Structured Data Library
  • Practical applications of structured data in programming, including creating charts and utilizing mapping

Distributed Programming

Embark on a journey into Distributed Programming, where you will explore distributed communication through messages, shared whiteboards, and client-server applications. Gain practical experience in creating distributed applications and engaging in peer-to-peer networking.

  • Understanding distributed communication and message passing
  • Creating shared whiteboards and client-server applications
  • Engaging in peer-to-peer networking and distributed programming

Text Analysis

Immerse yourself in the world of Text Analysis, where you will explore named entity recognition, language identification, and frequency analysis. Gain practical experience in analyzing text data and playing language games, expanding your skills in text analysis and processing.

  • Exploring named entity recognition and language identification
  • Practical applications of text analysis and frequency analysis
  • Expanding skills in text analysis and processing through engaging language games
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