
Automating Infrastructure - Chef for DevOps


The "Automating Infrastructure - Chef for DevOps" course is a comprehensive skill enhancement program designed for developers aspiring to become proficient DevOps professionals. The course offers extensive training videos segmented into modules, providing easy-to-understand lab demonstrations, video lectures, reading material, and quizzes. With a focus on automation tools such as Chef, learners gain a better understanding of configuration management, making them more valuable in the DevOps industry.

By enrolling in this course, learners will interpret knowledge about the fundamentals of Chef with DevOps tools and implement setups for Chef Infrastructure using AWS Services. They will also gain the ability to design and manage Recipes and Cookbooks, install Chef-Server & Chef-Client Infrastructure, work with Organizations, Groups, and Data Bags, and utilize AWS Services with Chef. Additionally, they will learn the installation of MySQL and WordPress.

  • Extensive training videos with segmented modules
  • Hands-on lab assessments to reinforce knowledge
  • Emphasis on configuration management and automation tools
  • Opportunity to achieve DevOps certifications
  • Coursera Certificate awarded upon completion

Enrolling in the "Automating Infrastructure - Chef for DevOps" course is an excellent opportunity for learners to achieve career growth as proficient DevOps professionals. It provides the chance to stand out from the crowd, gain better career opportunities, and work on exciting DevOps projects.

Certificate Available ✔

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Automating Infrastructure - Chef for DevOps
Course Modules

The course modules cover a wide range of topics, including Chef fundamentals, infrastructure setup, recipes and cookbooks, Chef-server and Chef-client installation, organizations and data bags, AWS services, and the installation of MySQL and WordPress.

Introduction to Chef Fundamentals

The "Automating Infrastructure - Chef for DevOps" course begins with an introduction to Chef fundamentals, DevOps, and cloud computing with AWS. It provides knowledge checks and assessments to validate learners' understanding of the concepts presented.

Chef Introduction and Infrastructure Setup

Module 2 delves into Chef introduction and infrastructure setup, offering detailed demonstrations of setting up Chef infrastructure. Learners are equipped with the knowledge and skills to work with Chef architecture and conduct knowledge checks and assessments.

Recipes and Cookbooks

This module focuses on recipes and cookbooks, covering topics such as recipe attributes, organizing resources, and creating and managing cookbooks. Learners gain practical experience through demonstrations and knowledge checks.

Installing Chef-Server & Chef-Client Infrastructure

Learners explore the installation of Chef-Server & Chef-Client infrastructure, understanding Chef concepts and gaining practical insights into installing ChefDK. The module includes knowledge checks and assessments to reinforce learning.

Organizations, Groups and Data Bags

Module 5 covers organizations, groups, and data bags in Chef, providing an overview of these concepts and practical demonstrations. Learners explore the use of data bags to deploy user accounts and undergo knowledge checks and assessments.

AWS Services With Chef

Learners are introduced to AWS services with Chef, including AWS EC2, Beanstalk, ECR, ECS, and RDS. Practical demonstrations and knowledge checks enable learners to gain proficiency in working with Chef and AWS services.

Installation of MySQL and WordPress

The final module focuses on the installation of MySQL and WordPress, providing detailed steps for the installation process. Learners engage in practice lab quizzes and knowledge checks to reinforce their understanding of the concepts presented.

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