
Re-imaging God in Korean Context

Yonsei University

This course, offered by Yonsei University, provides an overview of the development of theological methods in relation to Korea’s cultural context. Through this exploration, learners will gain an understanding of the cultural influences on the dynamic development of Korean churches and indigenous theology. Additionally, participants will gain insight into their own image of God and theological imagination within their cultural context.

The course comprises five modules:

  1. Module 1: Image Matters to Theology (and You)
  2. Module 2: God as Father: Psychoanalytic Approaches to God-Image
  3. Module 3: God as Heaven: Korean Confucian Culture and God-Image
  4. Module 4: God as Rice: A Dialectical Imagination of Minjung Theologians
  5. Module 5: God as Spirit: Where Pentecostal Spirituality and Liberationist Spirituality Meet

This comprehensive course equips learners with the tools to understand the interplay between theology and culture, fostering a deeper appreciation for the diverse expressions of theological imagination.

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Re-imaging God in Korean Context
Course Modules

This course comprises five modules: Image Matters to Theology, God as Father, God as Heaven, God as Rice, and God as Spirit. Each module explores a unique aspect of theology within the Korean context, offering diverse perspectives on the image of God.

Image Matters to Theology (and You)

Module 1 delves into the significance of images in theology and explores the concept of God versus the image of God. Learners gain insight into the psychoanalytic understanding of the image of God, encouraging critical reflection on their own theological perspectives.

God as Father: Psychoanalytic Approaches to God-Image

Module 2 examines God as Father through a psychoanalytic lens, offering a nuanced understanding of this aspect of the divine. The module explores Freud's rejection of God the Father and its implications within theological discourse.

God as Heaven: Korean Confucian Culture and God-Image

In Module 3, learners explore the influence of Korean Confucian culture on the image of God, examining the unique representations of God within this cultural context. The module delves into the concept of Hanunim and its significance within Korean theology.

God as Rice: A Dialectical Imagination of Minjung Theologians

Module 4 presents a dialectical imagination of Minjung Theologians, offering an exploration of God as Rice. Learners engage with the creative imagination of Minjung Theology, fostering a deeper understanding of the diverse theological perspectives within Korean culture.

God as Spirit: Where Pentecostal Spirituality and Liberationist Spirituality Meet

Module 5 explores the intersection of Pentecostal spirituality and Liberationist spirituality, offering insights into how these spiritual traditions shape the image of God within the Korean context. The module delves into the transformative power of 'God as Spirit' within Korean theology.

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