
Semiconductor Packaging Manufacturing

Arizona State University

This course delves into the intricate stages of semiconductor package manufacturing, covering sort, assembly, and final testing. Participants will gain insights into the role of Process Control Systems in semiconductor manufacturing and how they can identify and rectify process issues to uphold quality. The utilization of control charts for process performance monitoring is also thoroughly examined.

  • Learn about the various stages of semiconductor package manufacturing.
  • Understand the significance of Process Control Systems in semiconductor manufacturing.
  • Discover how to identify and address process problems using Process Control Systems.
  • Explore the application of control charts for monitoring process performance.

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Semiconductor Packaging Manufacturing
Course Modules

The course modules cover topics such as semiconductor manufacturing processes, assembly, testing, and the role of Process Control Systems. Participants will also gain proficiency in using control charts for process performance monitoring.


Welcome to the course, where you will meet the experts and get acquainted with the reference guide to enhance your learning experience.

Introduction to Semiconductor Package Manufacturing 1

Gain an in-depth understanding of semiconductor package manufacturing, including the steps, technology, and flow involved in the process.

Introduction to Semiconductor Package Manufacturing 2

Explore the differences between BGA and LGA, two grid arrays used in semiconductor package manufacturing, to comprehend their distinct characteristics and applications.

Assembly Part 1

Delve into the assembly process, particularly focusing on die bonding and the methods for placing a chip on a package substrate.

Assembly Part 2

Learn about the importance of keeping IC packages cool during the assembly process to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Test and Finish

Discover the significance of product burn-in tests in semiconductor packaging manufacturing to assess the reliability and performance of the packages.

Process Control Systems (PCS)

Understand the role of Process Control Systems (PCS) in semiconductor manufacturing and gain insights into interpreting control charts for process monitoring and improvement.

Semiconductor Packaging Manufacturing Course Summary

Conclude the course with a comprehensive summary, followed by an exam, and gain a sneak peek inside an Intel Sub Fab to witness real-world application.

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