
Computer Vision for Engineering and Science


Explore the world of computer vision with the "Computer Vision for Engineering and Science" specialization. Gain expertise in using MATLAB to master object detection, image classification, and multi-object tracking, key skills for various industries. Hands-on projects include creating panorama images and working with pre-trained deep neural networks. This specialization is ideal for those seeking to advance their career in engineering and science.

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Computer Vision for Engineering and Science
Course Modules

Master the fundamentals of computer vision through modules covering feature detection, image registration, machine learning for computer vision, and object tracking with motion detection.

Introduction to Computer Vision

Discover the fundamentals in the "Introduction to Computer Vision" module. Learn to use common algorithms for feature detection, extraction, and matching. Harness these skills to perform image registration and stitch images together, culminating in a final project involving NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover images.

Machine Learning for Computer Vision

In the "Machine Learning for Computer Vision" module, delve into preparing data and creating features for image classification. Train and evaluate models for classifying images and object detection. Customize model training for various applications using cost matrices to enhance your expertise.

Object Tracking and Motion Detection with Computer Vision

Explore the "Object Tracking and Motion Detection with Computer Vision" module to utilize pre-trained deep neural networks like YOLO for object detection. Learn to use optical flow to detect motion and moving objects. Master the art of multi-object tracking to count, track, and determine the direction of objects.

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