
Coursera Project Network

Coursera Project Network focuses on courses that are designed to be short-term, project-based learning experiences. These courses aim to give learners hands-on skills in a condensed format, making them ideal for professionals or students who need to quickly grasp a particular skill or topic.

854 Coursera Project Network Courses

React - Fundamentals of state management in class components

Coursera Project Network

Become proficient in state management fundamentals using setState() in React class components with this comprehensive course.

React - State management in functional components (HOOKS)

Coursera Project Network

React - State management in functional components (HOOKS)

React and Typescript: Utility Types and Template Literals

Coursera Project Network

React and Typescript: Utility Types and Template Literals

React Hooks: useRef, useMemo, useCallback, ImperativeHandle

Coursera Project Network

This course delves into advanced React hooks such as useRef, useMemo, useCallback, and useImperativeHandle, providing practical experience in utilizing these dynamic...

React: Desarrolla un Blog con Props

Coursera Project Network

React: Desarrolla un Blog con Props

Read an Input File with COBOL

Coursera Project Network

Learn to read input files using COBOL code in this project. Gain essential skills for processing files and running COBOL programs in OpenCobolIDE.

Recreate the First Ever Easter Egg from Adventure in Unity

Coursera Project Network

Recreate the First Ever Easter Egg from Adventure in Unity

Redes neuronales convolucionales con Keras

Coursera Project Network

Redes neuronales convolucionales con Keras es un curso práctico para aprender a generar redes convolucionales con Python y Keras en menos de 2 horas.

Regex Python - Découvrir les Expressions Régulières

Coursera Project Network

Discover the power of regular expressions (RegEx) in Python. Gain essential skills to manipulate and search text, enhancing your productivity as a developer.

Regresión (ML) en la vida real con PyCaret

Coursera Project Network

Regresión (ML) en la vida real con PyCaret es un curso práctico que te enseñará a generar modelos predictivos de regresión para predecir el valor de los diamantes...

Regresión logística con NumPy y Python

Coursera Project Network

Learn logistic regression using Python and NumPy from scratch. Implement gradient descent, cost function, and logistic regression without popular libraries. Gain...

Regression with Automatic Differentiation in TensorFlow

Coursera Project Network

Learn how to implement machine learning algorithms in TensorFlow by understanding constants, variables, and automatic differentiation, and apply them to solve a...

Regular Expressions in Python

Coursera Project Network

Learn to construct regex patterns, validate passwords, and extract patterns in Python. Perfect for North American learners.

Relational Databases - MySQL - قواعد البيانات العلائقية

Coursera Project Network

Learn the fundamentals of relational databases using MySQL in this guided project. Gain essential SQL querying skills and database manipulation techniques.

Responsive Web Design - التصميم المتجاوب لمواقع الويب

Coursera Project Network

تعلم كيفية تصميم موقع ويب متجاوب في هذه الدورة التدريبية المؤثرة.

RESTful Microservices Performance Monitoring with Actuators

Coursera Project Network

Learn to configure and monitor performance metrics in Spring Boot applications using actuators. Gain deep understanding of actuator endpoints for practical industry...

Restful Web Service Spring Boot Visual Studio Code Gradle

Coursera Project Network

Learn to create a restful web application using Spring Boot in this guided project with Visual Studio Code and Gradle.

Retrieve Data with Multiple-Table SQL Queries

Coursera Project Network

Retrieve Data with Multiple-Table SQL Queries