
Build an App in Android Studio using onTouch

Coursera Project Network

In this guided project, you will delve into building an Android app in Android Studio utilizing onTouch functionality. Through practical application, you will learn to create an interactive user interface, handle text files, images, and strings, and implement internal storage for data management.

  • Implement onTouch functionality to display information upon user interaction with the app.
  • Create spinners, buttons, and text views to enhance user experience and provide dynamic content.
  • Understand the process of writing to and reading from text files in internal storage.
  • Explore resource management for strings, images, and string arrays within the app.
  • Enable data persistence by saving the final user choice for future app launches.
  • Utilize to test and share the developed app.

Certificate Available ✔

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Build an App in Android Studio using onTouch
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