
Meta Front-End Developer


Embark on a career in coding and web development with Meta Front-End Developer. This comprehensive certification program, designed by Meta, introduces you to the foundational skills and technologies required for front-end development. You'll learn to code and build interactive web pages using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as gain proficiency in in-demand design tools such as Bootstrap, React, and Figma.

Throughout the course, you will delve into UI frameworks, version control systems, and the principles of UX/UI design. By completing a real-world project, you will apply your newfound skills to create your own front-end web application, preparing you for the demands of the industry.

  • Master HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create responsive websites
  • Gain expertise in React, Bootstrap, and GitHub for version control
  • Learn UX/UI design principles and prepare for technical interviews

Whether you're starting a new career or seeking to enhance your existing skills, Meta Front-End Developer provides the knowledge and hands-on experience essential for success in the dynamic field of front-end development.

Certificate Available ✔

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Meta Front-End Developer
Course Modules

Meta Front-End Developer covers essential topics such as front-end development introduction, programming with JavaScript, version control, HTML and CSS, React basics, advanced React, UX/UI design principles, front-end developer capstone, and coding interview preparation.

Introduction to Front-End Development

Dive into the world of front-end development and distinguish between front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers. Gain hands-on experience in creating and styling web pages with HTML and CSS, and understand the benefits of working with UI frameworks.

Programming with JavaScript

Explore the fundamentals of programming with JavaScript, including creating simple codes, manipulating objects and arrays, and writing unit tests using Jest.

Version Control

Master version control systems and GitHub repositories, learning to navigate and configure using the command line while managing code revisions effectively.

HTML and CSS in depth

Gain in-depth knowledge of HTML and CSS, creating responsive layouts, using Bootstrap, and implementing debugging tools for web development.

React Basics

Discover the basics of React, from using reusable components to rendering dynamic and interactive web pages and apps. Learn to use props, create forms, and build applications in React.

Advanced React

Advance your skills in React by creating robust and reusable components, interacting with a remote server, testing applications, and integrating commonly used React libraries.

Principles of UX/UI Design

Understand the principles of UX/UI design, including user experience research, accessibility considerations, and wireframing and prototyping using Figma.

Front-End Developer Capstone

Showcase your skills in the front-end developer capstone project, designing and styling a responsive UI with clean and bug-free coding, using React components to create multiple views and building a website front-end with React JS and JavaScript.

Coding Interview Preparation

Prepare for coding and Meta interviews, solving problems using code and honing your technical skills for front-end developer roles.

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