
Create a Marketing Analysis dashboard using G-Spreadsheets

Coursera Project Network

In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to enter any data set on Google Sheets, organize and format your rows and columns, and create drop-down lists. You will also be able to create basic query formulas related to the data set and translate those formulas into dashboards and charts to help you better visualize your analysis. This course is designed for beginner market analysts who want to prepare reports and dashboards to present to their managers.

Throughout this course, you will gain practical skills that will enable you to efficiently work with data and present it in a visually appealing manner. By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and tools to create effective marketing analysis dashboards using Google Sheets, enhancing your ability to communicate insights and findings.

  • Learn how to enter, organize, and format data on Google Sheets.
  • Create drop-down lists and basic query formulas related to the data set.
  • Translate formulas into dashboards and charts for better visualization.

Certificate Available ✔

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Create a Marketing Analysis dashboard using G-Spreadsheets
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