
Marketing de Mídias Sociais do Meta


Embark on a transformative journey in the realm of social media marketing with the Marketing de Mídias Sociais do Meta course. This program, designed by industry experts from Aptly and Facebook, equips you with essential skills and credentials to excel in social media marketing.

  • Gain insight into the dynamics of traditional, digital, and social media marketing.
  • Learn to establish and manage a strong social media presence and develop a brand identity.
  • Master the art of crafting compelling ad campaigns and analyzing their effectiveness.
  • Understand the intricacies of ad placement and budgeting with the Facebook Ads Manager.
  • Explore advanced techniques for optimizing and measuring the impact of social media marketing campaigns.

Upon successful completion, you will earn certifications from Coursera and Facebook, validating your expertise in social media marketing and proficiency in utilizing the Facebook Ads Manager.

Certificate Available ✔

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Marketing de Mídias Sociais do Meta
Course Modules

Embark on a comprehensive learning journey through six modules, covering everything from the fundamentals of social media marketing to advanced campaign optimization.

Introdução ao marketing de mídias sociais

Explore the fundamental concepts of social media marketing, including the distinctions between traditional, digital, and social media marketing. Identify key platforms and their role in marketing, and learn to set SMART goals, define KPIs, and understand audience targeting and customer journey mapping.

Gerenciamento de mídias sociais

Learn the art of establishing and managing a robust social media presence. Develop a distinct brand identity, tone, and voice for your social media presence. Master the creation and management of a content calendar, and gain insights into evaluating and optimizing content performance.

Princípios básicos da publicidade em mídias sociais

Delve into the basics of social media advertising, including platform selection, effective ad creation, and campaign execution. Understand the process of crafting engaging ad content and creating ads directly on Facebook and Instagram business accounts.

Veiculação de anúncios com o Meta

Gain expertise in structuring ad campaigns within the Facebook Ads Manager, aligning ads with marketing objectives, defining budgeting and scheduling parameters, and ultimately earning the Certified Digital Marketing Associate certification.

Medir e otimizar campanhas de marketing de mídias sociais

Explore advanced techniques for campaign optimization, including attribution, marketing mix models, and A/B testing. Learn to analyze performance metrics, evaluate ROI, and effectively communicate campaign results to your team.

Conclusão do Marketing de Mídias Sociais do Meta

Conclude your journey by presenting and communicating campaign results to a team and earning the Certified Digital Marketing Associate certification, showcasing your proficiency in social media marketing.

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