
Engage and Assess Students with Quizizz

Coursera Project Network

Engage and Assess Students with Quizizz is a comprehensive guided project that equips educators with the skills to effectively utilize Quizizz for creating interactive quizzes and polls. Through a combination of practical tasks, participants will set up their Quizizz accounts, curate customized quizzes, and harness the reporting feature to monitor student progress. This two-hour project is designed to cater to both online and classroom teaching scenarios.

Throughout the course, participants will learn how to curate and create quizzes for their students, enhancing student engagement through game-style quizzes. The interactive nature of Quizizz allows educators to gather valuable assessment data while students actively participate in friendly competitive games. By the end of the project, participants will be adept at leveraging Quizizz to engage students in a fun and interactive learning experience.

  • Set up Quizizz accounts
  • Create customized quizzes and polls
  • Utilize reporting feature to monitor student progress
  • Enhance student engagement through game-style quizzes

Certificate Available ✔

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Engage and Assess Students with Quizizz
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