
Introduction to Systems and Network Mapping with Kumu

Coursera Project Network

In this 1-hour long project-based course, learners will gain hands-on experience in creating interactive multi-elements relationship maps using Kumu. The course will guide participants through the process of designing visualizations for real-world social networks based on metrics analyses.

The project focuses on helping learners make sense of complex data by building relationship maps, which serve as a powerful medium for visually presenting Causal Loop and Stock and Flow diagrams, as well as non-linear dynamics within an ecosystem. Participants will also be introduced to basic concepts of network theory, informing the analyses and interpretations of the maps they create.

  • Create a project and two relationship maps within Kumu, appropriately choosing map templates according to your needs.
  • Populate maps with elements and connections, using different fields and tags for decoration and custom data visualizations.
  • Run three network metric analyses and use the results to build unique views that highlight different structural features of the network.

This course is designed to be accessible to anyone seeking hands-on practice and knowledge in creating and communicating relationship maps. It is applicable to a wide range of areas, from design and software engineering to organization consultancy and community building.

Certificate Available ✔

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Introduction to Systems and Network Mapping with Kumu
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