
Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Operations en Español

Google Cloud

Join the Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Operations en Español course to master the operational model of Dataflow. Learn to optimize pipeline performance, implement reliable solutions, and utilize flexible templates for scalable data processing. Delve into monitoring, error reporting, troubleshooting, and testing techniques to ensure platform stability in unexpected scenarios.

  • Master activities in monitoring, troubleshooting, testing, and CI/CD for Dataflow pipelines
  • Implement reliable Dataflow pipelines to maximize data processing platform stability
  • Explore performance optimization, error reporting, and flexible templates for scalability

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Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Operations en Español
Course Modules

Explore comprehensive modules covering monitoring, error reporting, troubleshooting, performance, testing, reliability, and flexible templates, ensuring a holistic understanding of operating Dataflow pipelines.


Gain insights into the course and get started with Google Cloud and Qwiklabs. Learn about important practical lab considerations and how to provide feedback.


Discover the monitoring tools available, including job lists, job information, job graph, job metrics, and metrics explorer. Also, explore additional resources for monitoring.

Informes de errores y registros

Learn about logging and error reporting, including understanding logs, error reporting, and supplementary resources for this topic.

Solución de problemas y depuración

Explore the troubleshooting workflow, different problem types, and additional resources. Engage in a practical session on error reporting, monitoring, and logging in Dataflow jobs.


Understand pipeline design, data shaping, source, sinks, external systems, shuffle, and streaming engines. Access additional resources for optimizing performance.

Testing y CI/CD

Get an overview of testing and CI/CD, including unit testing, integration testing, artifact building, deployment, and relevant resources. Engage in practical labs for testing with Apache Beam and CI/CD with Dataflow.


Explore reliability fundamentals, monitoring, geographical considerations, disaster recovery, high availability, and additional resources for ensuring reliability.

Plantillas Flexibles

Learn about classic and flexible templates, how to use flexible templates, Google-provided templates, and additional resources for working with flexible templates. Engage in practical labs for creating custom flexible Dataflow templates.


Review the course content and gain a comprehensive understanding of the covered topics to solidify your knowledge.

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