
JavaScript Decision Programming with Nested If

Coursera Project Network

In this intermediate-level project, you will explore the need for complex decision-making in programming through Nested If statements in JavaScript. Using Notepad++ editor and JavaScript embedded in HTML, you will learn to write code that tests conditions and takes actions based on the results. You will delve into testing multiple conditions and taking actions accordingly, enhancing your programming skills. This course equips you with the logic required to tackle complex problem-solving scenarios. The Nested If statement will be a valuable tool as you advance in your programming journey.

What You'll Learn:

  • Identify situations in problem-solving where Nested If logic is required.
  • Demonstrate the correct use of syntax when writing a Nested If statement in JavaScript.
  • Write JavaScript code that uses Nested If logic to solve a business problem.

Certificate Available ✔

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JavaScript Decision Programming with Nested If
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