
المشروع المتقدم حول تطبيق Android


Embark on an advanced journey in Android app development with this comprehensive course. Through hands-on projects and in-depth training, you'll master the creation and design of user interfaces, efficient Kotlin and MVVM structure, utilizing APIs, and error-free code development. Delve into the intricacies of UI/UX design and the implementation of Jetpack Compose, gaining the ability to send your project to a Git repository and create a fully interactive mobile app for potential employers. This course is tailored for learners with a background in Android app development, providing the ideal platform to showcase your capabilities.

  • Develop and design user interfaces using components and display methods
  • Utilize Kotlin and MVVM architecture for effective and engaging app design
  • Retrieve data from APIs and leverage LiveData for efficient data handling
  • Create error-free and optimized code with improvement monitoring

Certificate Available ✔

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المشروع المتقدم حول تطبيق Android
Course Modules

Embark on this advanced course, mastering the intricacies of Android app development. From project initiation and UI/UX design to app functionality and evaluation, each module equips you with essential skills to excel in the field.

بدء المشروع

Begin your journey with an introductory module, setting the stage for the advanced project. Gain insights into project setup, user experience planning, and the curriculum structure. Ensure your development environment is ready, delve into version control, and initiate your project in Android Studio using Jetpack Compose. Exercise your knowledge in designing project structure and interactive components using Figma. Test your readiness and welcome the next phase of your learning journey.

وظائف المشروع

Progress to understanding the project's functionalities, including user setup and food ordering flow. Explore UI elements, data storage, and navigation options. Master the retrieval, storage, and sorting of data, ensuring your app is fully functional. Confirm your readiness by configuring user setup, navigation, and user profile page. Retrieve, filter, and display menu data, preparing your app for the final stages of development.

تقييم المشروع

Conclude your advanced project with the final evaluation and preparation for app deployment. Send your app to the Play Store, conduct comprehensive testing, and optimize your app for launch. Celebrate the completion of your advanced project, review your app, and solidify your learning. Leverage your newfound skills and demonstrate the app you've developed, taking the next steps in your Android app development journey.

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