
Microsoft Powerpoint انشاء خطة عمل ب

Coursera Project Network

Learn to design a standout presentation and master the art of presenting a business plan creatively with Microsoft Powerpoint. Throughout this project, you will design a distinctive presentation, learn to write compelling content, and avoid making it monotonous. You will have control over the format, size, and color of the words, and learn to incorporate images and tables. By the end of the project, you will have gained essential skills in creating unique designs using Microsoft Powerpoint, a program known for its flexibility in changing formats, designs, and inserting images and videos. This project is tailored for beginners in all fields who present their projects and work to others. Once completed, you will know how to present your business plan in a creative and engaging manner to your superiors or potential investors through Microsoft Powerpoint slides, whether you are a student or a professional planning to design a presentation for a new project.

What You'll Learn:

  • Opening Powerpoint and creating a new presentation, naming it, and creating an executive summary of the business plan.
  • Arranging goals using the SMART technique, identifying required resources, and inserting images.
  • Defining the project timeline, saving the slides on your device, and creating a professional presentation.

Certificate Available ✔

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Microsoft Powerpoint انشاء خطة عمل ب
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