
Usar Funciones de Fecha y Hora en Excel

Coursera Project Network

Enhance your Excel skills with our guided project on using date and time functions. In this course, you will learn 15 practical functions and gain a better understanding of their use. The comprehensive curriculum covers the basic usage of each function, the fundamental formula, and combinations for alternative uses. You will receive step-by-step guidance on each part of the formula and how to achieve the desired calculation.

By the end of the project, you will be able to effectively utilize date and time functions in Excel, as well as combine them for various alternative applications. The hands-on approach and detailed explanations ensure a thorough grasp of the material, empowering you to apply your newfound knowledge confidently in real-world scenarios.

  • Master 15 practical date and time functions in Excel
  • Understand the basic usage and fundamental formulas
  • Learn to combine functions for alternative uses
  • Receive step-by-step guidance and detailed explanations
  • Gain the ability to apply knowledge in real-world scenarios

Certificate Available ✔

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Usar Funciones de Fecha y Hora en Excel
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