
Use SurveyMonkey to Create a Survey and Analyze Results

Coursera Project Network

In this project, you will discover the power of SurveyMonkey, a cloud-based survey software that simplifies data collection and analysis. You'll learn to create surveys tailored to your needs and gather feedback from your target audience. Through this course, you'll gain the skills to analyze survey results and make informed decisions based on the data collected.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Creating a SurveyMonkey account and building surveys
  • Publishing a survey and gathering feedback
  • Analyzing survey results

Whether you're a novice or an experienced marketer, SurveyMonkey's user-friendly features and detailed options make it easy to create professional and thorough surveys. By the end of this course, you'll feel confident using SurveyMonkey to gather valuable insights from employees, customers, or any invested group of individuals.

Certificate Available ✔

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Use SurveyMonkey to Create a Survey and Analyze Results
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