
Browser-based Models with TensorFlow.js


Explore the world of browser-based machine learning with the Browser-based Models with TensorFlow.js Specialization. This comprehensive course delves into the practical aspects of deploying machine learning models in real-world scenarios. From training and running models in any browser using TensorFlow.js to handling data efficiently, you'll gain valuable insights into building object classification and recognition models using a webcam.

Throughout the Specialization, you'll be equipped with the skills to navigate various deployment scenarios, effectively use data to train your model, and develop a deeper understanding of neural networks. Whether you're new to TensorFlow or looking to enhance your foundational knowledge of neural networks, this course provides a solid foundation for your machine learning journey.

  • Train and run inference in a browser
  • Handle data in a browser
  • Build an object classification and recognition model using a webcam

Certificate Available ✔

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Browser-based Models with TensorFlow.js
Course Modules

This Specialization covers training and running machine learning models in any browser using TensorFlow.js, handling data in the browser, and building a computer vision project that recognizes and classifies objects from a webcam.

Introduction to TensorFlow.js

Introduction to TensorFlow.js is the first module in the Specialization. You'll learn how to train and run machine learning models in any browser using TensorFlow.js. The module also covers techniques for handling data in the browser and culminates in a computer vision project that recognizes and classifies objects from a webcam.

Image Classification In the Browser

Image Classification In the Browser is the second module, focusing on creating a Convolutional Net with JavaScript, visualizing the training process, and utilizing tf.tidy() to save memory. The module also includes building an MNIST Classifier and a Fashion MNIST Classifier.

Converting Models to JSON Format

The third module, Converting Models to JSON Format, delves into pre-trained TensorFlow.js models, toxic classification, MobileNet, and converting models to JavaScript. This module also covers image classification using MobileNet and a linear model.

Transfer Learning with Pre-Trained Models

Transfer Learning with Pre-Trained Models, the final module, explores retraining the MobileNet model, capturing and training the network with captured data, and performing inference. It culminates in the application of the knowledge gained through building a Rock Paper Scissors project.

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