
Planification des mobilités

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

"Planification des mobilités" delves into the complex dynamics of mobility planning, addressing environmental, economic, territorial, and social considerations. Over 5 weeks, participants gain theoretical knowledge, practical tools, and real-world examples essential for effective mobility planning.

  • Explore the multifaceted aspects of mobility planning
  • Gain insights into environmental, economic, territorial, and social implications
  • Understand theoretical concepts and practical tools for mobility planning
  • Engage with real-life examples and case studies

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Planification des mobilités
Course Modules

The course comprises 5 modules addressing the multifaceted aspects of mobility planning, including theoretical insights, practical tools, and real-life examples essential for effective planning.

Introduction du cours

The introductory module provides a glimpse into the course's scope, offering insights into defining and understanding mobility planning. It features interviews, theoretical approaches, and interactive elements to set the stage for the subsequent modules.

SEMAINE 2 : Connaître et décrire

The second module delves into understanding mobility through the lens of big data, transportation offerings, modal choice determinants, and environmental impacts. Participants gain insights into leveraging data for effective mobility planning.

SEMAINE 3 : Comprendre pour prévoir

Module 3 focuses on understanding mobility from a sociological perspective, addressing individual preferences, time use, and prospective mobility exercises. It also covers aspects of modeling and forecasting mobility patterns.

Semaine 4 : Agir/Planifier

Module 4 explores actionable aspects of mobility planning, including European planning frameworks, mobility management, stakeholder engagement, and infrastructure development. Participants engage in a comprehensive case study to apply their knowledge.

Semaine 5 . Décliner/adapter

The final module addresses adaptable planning for diverse mobility scenarios, including in sparsely populated areas, Sub-Saharan Africa, transboundary mobility, autonomous vehicles, walking, and event-related mobility. It emphasizes identifying mobility challenges and solutions in varied contexts.

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