
Housing Justice: A View from Indian Cities

Indian Institute for Human Settlements

Housing Justice: A View from Indian Cities presents a thought-provoking journey into the multifaceted realm of housing justice, focusing on Indian cities while addressing global implications. The course amalgamates diverse approaches, including material, ecological, social, and spatial considerations, to provide a holistic understanding of housing justice.

Throughout the exploration, learners will encounter in-depth analyses of inadequate housing, rental housing dynamics, collective action, and various modes of effecting change. Engaging with real-life cases and expert insights, participants will gain a profound comprehension of the challenges and opportunities in the pursuit of housing justice.

  • Delve into the multifaceted nature of housing justice
  • Explore the dimensions of inadequate housing and rental housing dynamics
  • Engage with interviews and insights on collective action and modes of effecting change
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of housing justice in the global context

Certificate Available ✔

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Housing Justice: A View from Indian Cities
Course Modules

Housing Justice: A View from Indian Cities comprises modules that delve into diverse aspects of housing justice, including inadequate housing, rental housing, collective action, and modes of effecting change. Engage with real-life cases and expert insights to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the pursuit of housing justice.

Introduction to the Course

Welcome to Housing Justice: A View from Indian Cities, where you'll be introduced to the course and its instructors. Engage in discussions and activities to prepare for the enlightening journey ahead.

Framing Module on Housing and Housing Justice

Delve into the framing module, exploring housing and housing justice. Gain insights into housing dimensions and the concept of "Housing Justice" through interactive resources and quizzes.

Adequate Housing

Explore the intricacies of inadequate housing, delving into what makes housing inadequate and analyzing real-life cases. Engage with interactive case studies to enhance your understanding.

Rental Housing

Uncover the dynamics of rental housing, from the perspectives of tenants, landlords, and the city. Expand your knowledge of rental housing through an in-depth examination of different tenure systems.

Collective Action

Embark on a journey of collective action, engaging with interviews of key figures in housing activism. Explore the potential of collective action in driving meaningful change in the housing landscape.

Modes of Action

Examine the various modes and scales of action in the pursuit of housing justice. Gain insights into the roles of law, policy, and programs, and projects in effecting positive change in housing.

Bringing It All Together

Bringing It All Together

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