
Optique non-linéaire

École Polytechnique

Discover the fascinating realm of nonlinear optics in the course "Optique non-linéaire" offered by École Polytechnique. This course delves into the interaction between intense lasers and matter, specifically focusing on the applications and phenomena related to nonlinear optics.

Throughout this comprehensive course, you will explore various aspects of nonlinear optics, including the transition from linear to nonlinear optics, Fourier transformation, propagation in linear and nonlinear regimes, frequency doubling, three-wave mixing, optical Kerr effect, and other third-order nonlinear effects. The course also covers the principles and applications of femtosecond lasers.

By enrolling in this course, you will gain a deep understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of nonlinear optics, preparing you to explore its diverse applications in various scientific and technological domains.

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Optique non-linéaire
Course Modules

Uncover the principles and applications of nonlinear optics, including Fourier transformation, frequency doubling, three-wave mixing, and the optical Kerr effect, with "Optique non-linéaire."

De l'optique lineaire à l'optique non-lineaire

Module 1: Transition from Linear to Nonlinear Optics

  • Introduction to nonlinear optics
  • Basic model of linear susceptibility
  • Absorption and refractive index
  • Numerical calculations using Scilab

Transformation de Fourier

Module 2: Fourier Transformation

  • Understanding Fourier series and transformations
  • Numerical calculations with Scilab
  • Applications of Fourier transformation

Propagation en régime linéaire (domaine temporel)

Module 3: Propagation in Linear Regime (Temporal Domain)

  • Equation of propagation in Fourier space
  • Analysis of pulse dispersion
  • Experimental illustration and practical applications

Propagation en régime linéaire (domaine spatial)

Module 4: Propagation in Linear Regime (Spatial Domain)

  • Propagation of monochromatic light beams
  • Understanding spatial propagation in linear regime

Propagation en régime non-linéaire

Module 5: Propagation in Nonlinear Regime

  • Analysis of superimposed monochromatic waves
  • Equation of nonlinear propagation in the temporal domain
  • Importance of symmetry and numerical methods

Doublage de fréquence

Module 6: Frequency Doubling

  • Understanding second-order nonlinear processes
  • Optical linear in anisotropic media
  • Principles and applications of phase matching

Mélange à trois ondes

Module 7: Three-Wave Mixing

  • Sum and difference frequency generation
  • Parametric amplification and phase matching
  • Exploration of optical quantum phenomena

Effet Kerr optique

Module 8: Optical Kerr Effect

  • Third-order nonlinear processes
  • Propagation equations and their implications
  • Cascading and its effects

Autres effets non-linéaires du troisième ordre

Module 9: Other Third-Order Nonlinear Effects

  • Saturation of absorption and two-photon absorption
  • Generation of third harmonic and its applications
  • Experiments in nonlinear microscopy

Lasers femtosecondes

Module 10: Femtosecond Lasers

  • Principles of femtosecond oscillators
  • Relationship with solitons and frequency combs
  • Amplified systems and their applications

Examen final

Module 11: Final Examination

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