
The Impact of Technology

EIT Digital

In The Impact of Technology course, you will delve into the theories and methods for predicting the potential impact of new technologies. This comprehensive curriculum prepares you to navigate and leverage societal transformations driven by technology. Through the study of historical examples and analysis of recurring patterns, you will gain insight into innovation theories, value chain disruption, and strategy formulation. The course facilitates the development of a toolkit for informed decision-making in technology, investments, career paths, research & development, and portfolio management.

  • Learn to map the potential future business landscape and identify emerging value networks.
  • Understand the potential consequences of technology implementation within a 10 to 20-year perspective.
  • Analyze industry or market changes, identify barriers to development, and estimate timing.
  • Explore foresight methodology, value network disruption, business role assessment, and strategy development.

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The Impact of Technology
Course Modules

The Impact of Technology course comprises modules covering theories and models, technology delta and barriers, foresight, value networks, business roles and ideas, strategy, and a final exam. Each module provides insights into different aspects of technology impact and strategy development.

Welcome to The Impact of Technology

The welcome module introduces the course and its objectives, providing an overview of the full process and analyzing a historical example to set the stage for the subsequent modules.

Theory and models - practical use

Delve into the practical use of theories and models, exploring the dynamics of innovation, diffusion of innovation, disruptive innovation, and wider perspectives. Understand the practical applications of these concepts through a case study on solar cell price drops.

Technology delta and barriers

Explore the concept of technology delta and barriers, including the hype cycle, megatrends, and barriers to change and diffusion. Compare two technologies and analyze their impact in a megatrend perspective.


Gain insights into foresight methodology, sequential backcasting, and value network disruption. Engage in comprehensive case studies to understand the practical applications of these concepts.

Value networks

Understand the basics of value networks, value network disruption, and predicting value networks. Analyze an existing value network and explore the emergence of a new value network.

Business roles and ideas

Explore business roles and ideas, including role assessment, partnerships, stakeholder analysis, and benchmarking roles. Gain insights into Porter's 5 forces and their relevance to business strategy.


Delve into strategy formulation, capabilities and actions, and role development. Understand the process of strategy and role development to prepare for the impact of technology.

Finale - The Impact of Technology

Conclude the course with a final exam that assesses your understanding of the impact of technology and your ability to apply strategic concepts to real-world scenarios.

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